Our NAMI Schenectady affiliate will hold its February meeting on Tuesday, February 13th at its new meeting place, Emmanuel Friedens Church, 218 Nott Terrace, downtown Schenectady on the corner of Chapel Street, behind the big MVP building. The meeting place will open at 5:30 pm. The meeting agenda is as follows:
5:30 Board meeting
6:00 Social time with refreshments
6:30-8:00 Telling Our Stories – This program will be led by our guests from NAMI New York State, Matt Shapiro and Sharon Horton, to help us prepare for up-coming Legislative Action Day in Albany. We will learn about NAMI NYS’s 2024 Legislative Agenda, so that we know what issues and specific legislation we need to address with our community’s members within the State legislature as it works on the NYS budget for the coming year. With Telling Our Stories we will learn how to put together and tell our personal experience stories that relate to the actions we want the legislature to take in order to improve the quality of life of those with mental health issues. Our guests will also explain how these story-telling skills can be used for other situations. Feel free to contact us by e-mail if you have any questions. We look forward to meeting with you on February 13th!